11 Simple & Funny Campfire Skits
11 Simple & Funny Campfire Skits
11 super easy campfire skits that are easy to set up with very few props if any and the skits are short and sweet so it is easy for the kids to prepare for the skit. These are some of the best skits that I have come across that will definitely bring some laughter (mostly because they are a little gross 🙂 )

1. The Greatest Spitter In The World
Actors Needed:
2 Performers (The Greatest Spitter In the World & the circus announcer who will be “catching” the spit in the can)
Supplies Needed:
Metal Pot (With Some Water In It)
Small Rock
The scene is set at a circus with the Worlds Greatest Spitter ready to perform. The circus announcer will be catching the spit in the pot he is holding. The 2 performers will stand about 15 feet apart.
Announcer: Welcome ladies and gentleman! You are about to see the Greatest Spitter In The World perform the most amazing tricks with just his spit. First he will be showing us a normal spit that we all can do.
Spitter: Spitter pretends to spit and the announcer catches it in his metal bucket. The small rock/pebble is hidden in his hand and will hit the bottom of the metal pot as the spit lands in the bucket.
Announcer: That was fantastic, now watch how fast he can spit!
Spitter: The spitter “spits” and immediately the announcer catches it by hitting the rock on the bottom of the can.
Continue on using a slow spit, curved spit, an over the head spit, an around the world spit, the catcher will spin around and then “catch” it in his can, and so on.
Announcer: Finally, what you all have been waiting for, the most impossible spit of all…please we will need silence for this one…The Greatest Spitter In the World is going to perform the hardest spit of all, it is a back 3 and half somersault with 2 and a half twists and a curvy swervy barrell roll . The announcer then spins and curves back and forth and then seems to lose his balance and “spills” the bucket with water on it into the crowd.
2. You Need A Tie, Sir
Actors Needed:
5 Performers – Thirsty Traveler, 3 Tie Salesman, Maitre D’
Supplies Needed:
The scene is set in the blazing hot desert.
3. A Hot Meal
Actors Needed:
3 Performers – 3 lost and starving campers/hikers
Supplies Needed:
The scene is set in the woods
4. Ghost With One Black Eye
Actors Needed:
4 Performers – 1 ghost, 3 pedestrians
Supplies Needed:
Misc. items you may have in your pockets – air pods, cell phone, money, wallet
The scene is set on a town or city street. Pedestrian number 1 comes walking down the street looking at his cell phone, the other 2 pedestrians can be around somewhere. The ghost will be hiding and jumping out to scare each pedestrian.
5. Doggie Doo
Actors Needed:
2 Performers
Supplies Needed:
A mud ball that looks similar to doggie doo
6. Cub Scout Socks
Actors Needed:
4 Performers – Den Leader, 3 Scouts
Supplies Needed:
Pile of socks
Den Leader: Boys, I’m pleased to announce that our new Cub Scout socks have arrived! Please step up for your supply of clean socks.
7. The Good Samaritan
Actors Needed:
2-5 Performers – Person Who Falls, 1 Good Samaritan, Other Passerby’s
Supplies Needed:
He sometimes succeeds in getting into a position with his feet and his
forehead on the floor, and his butt in the air. He rotates in this position, keeping his forehead in one place.

8. Ice Fishing
Actors Needed:
3 Performers – 1 Adult Rink Owner, 2 Ice Fishermen
Supplies Needed:
Fishing Poles (could just use long sticks)
2 kids are ice fishermen and they walk to centerstage.
Kristoff: Sven, dis looks like a goot spot.
Sven: Ya, Kristoff, let’s start here, den.
(Sven starts using a manual ice drill to cut through the ice.)
Adult’s Voice (offstage): There are no fish there!
(Sven and Kristoff jump and look around.)
Kristoff: Sven, let’s try over der.
Sven: Ya, Kristoff, you drill the hole dis time.
(Kristoff takes the drill and they move to a new location and start to drill through the ice.)
God’s Voice (offstage): There are no fish there!
(Sven and Kristoff jump and look around.)
Kristoff: My gosh, Sven, we’d best try a different spot I’m thinkin’.
Sven: Ya, Kristoff, dat looks pretty good over der.
(Kristoff takes the drill and they move to a new location and start to drill through the ice.)
God’s Voice (offstage): Listen, you guys, I’m the ice rink manager and THERE ARE NO FISH THERE!
9. Broken Finger
Actors Needed:
2 Performers
Supplies Needed:
10. Bear Attack
Actors Needed:
2 Performers – 2 campers, 2 “bears”
Supplies Needed:
A group (2 or 3 scouts) of bears, trolls, etc. wander by and see the sleeping scout. They rush up and beat on the scout for a couple seconds and then run off stage.
11. Bandana-Banana Skit
Actors Needed:
4+ – Leader, Banana Performer, Other Kids with Bandanas
Supplies Needed: