How To Earn Shooting Sports Badge (All Cub Scouts)
How To Earn The Shooting Sports Badge (All Cub Scouts)

BSA Shooting Sports Safety Measures
The Cub Scout Shooting Sports Badge can be earned only at a day camp, a Cub Scout/Webelos resident camp, a council-managed family camping program or at a council activity where there is a properly trained supervisor.
The shooting range must be supervised by a qualified range master over the age of 18.
Steps To Earn Shooting Sports Badge
- A cub scout must first choose which discipline they would like to learn. They may choose from BB Gun, Archery, or Slingshot.
- Complete the Level 1 Requirements for that discipline. (listed below)
- Once all Level 1 Requirements have been completed a scout can then move on to Level 2 for their Rank. Each rank has different requirements so be sure to look at the proper list displayed below.
Note*- Level 1 and Level 2 need to be completed during the same year.
Ultimate Scout Recommendations
My kids have used a number of different bb guns, sling shots and bow and arrows throughout scouts, so I thought I would give you my thoughts on them if you are thinking of purchasing any.
The first BB Gun my boys got was a version of this one and it is still going strong. A little rusty from being left out when it wasn’t supposed to but we have used it for a number of years.
My daughter wanted her own so we found a pink version of this one. I can’t find a link for it but I believe we got it at Walmart.
Don’t forget you will need a big thing of BB’s (they go through them quickly). If you are able to shoot safely at your home we love having a metal target that “tings” every time they hit it.
We have tried 2 different types of slingshots. We have tried the wooden carved ones that their dad purchased for them on a trip. The kids loved them and they shot great.
We also tried ones with a wrist support, it worked fine, however, it didn’t last very long and wasn’t as special as the carved ones.
My boys did not get into archery as much as BB Guns and Slingshots but we did get them a youth recurve set one year as a present. It has suprisingly lasted through lots of rough playing.

BB Guns - Level 1 (All Cub Scout Ranks)
- Explain what you should do if you find a gun. Recite the 4 safety reminders.
- On an approved range in your city or state, explain how to use the safety mechanism, and demonstrate how to properly load, fire, and secure the BB gun.
- On an approved range, demonstrate to qualified leadership good shooting techniques, including eye dominance, shooting shoulder, breathing, sight alignment, trigger squeeze, and follow-through.
- On an approved range, show how to put away and properly store BB gun shooting equipment after use
BB Guns - Level 2 (Tigers)
- Demonstrate one of the positions associated with shooting BB guns.
- On an approved range, fire five BBs at the target. Score your target, then repeat and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
BB Guns - Level 2 (Wolf & Bear)
- Demonstrate one of the positions associated with shooting BB guns.
- On an approved range, fire 5 BB’s at the “Cub Scout” target. Score your target, then repeat twice and do your best to improve your score each time.
- Demonstrate proper range commands and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell 5 facts about the history of BB guns.
BB Guns - Level 2 (Webelos & Arrow of Light)
- Demonstrate the prone, bench, and sitting positions associated with shooting BB guns.
- On an approved range, fire 5 BB’s at the Webelos/AOL target. Score your target, then repeat 3 times and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell 5 facts about the history of BB guns.

Archery - Level 1 (All Cub Scout Ranks)
- Demonstrate how to follow archery range safety rules and whistle commands.
- Identify and name a recurve bow and/or compound bow
- Explain and demonstrate how to apply and use arm guards, finger tabs, and quivers.
- On an approved range, demonstrate how to safely and effectively shoot a bow and arrow, including how to establish a correct stance, nock the arrow, hook and grip the bow, raise the bow, draw, anchor, hold, aim, and release/follow through
- On an approved range, demonstrate how to safely retrieve arrows after the range is clear and the command to retrieve arrows has been provided.
Archery - Level 2 (Tigers)
- Identify three parts of the arrow and three major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot three arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
Archery - Level 2 (Wolf )
- Identify three parts of the arrow and 4 major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot 5 arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell 5 facts about archery in history or literature.
Archery - Level 2 (Bear )
- Identify 4 parts of the arrow and 5 major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot 5 arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat twice and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell 5 facts about archery in history or literature.
Archery - Level 2 (Webelos & Arrow of Light)
- Identify 5 parts of the arrow and 6 major parts of the bow you will be shooting.
- Shoot 5 arrows at a target on an approved range; then repeat three times and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands, and explain how and when to use them.
- Tell 5 facts about archery in history or literature.

Slingshot - Level 1 (All Cub Scout Ranks)
- On an approved range, demonstrate to qualified leadership good shooting techniques, including eye dominance, breathing, sight alignment, and follow-through.
- On an approved range, explain the parts of a slingshot and demonstrate how to properly use them.
- Explain the different types of ammunition that may be used with a slingshot and those that may not be used.
- Explain the different types of targets that may be used with a slingshot and those that may not be used.
Slingshot - Level 2 (Tigers)
- On an approved range, shoot three shots at a target; then repeat and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
Slingshot - Level 2 (Wolf )
- On an approved range, shoot 5 shots at a target; then repeat and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
Slingshot - Level 2 (Bear )
- On an approved range, shoot 5 shots at a target; then repeat twice and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.
Slingshot - Level 2 (Webelos & Arrow of Light)
- On an approved range, shoot 5 shots at a target; then repeat three times and do your best to improve your score.
- Demonstrate proper range commands and explain how and when to use them.
- On an approved range, try shooting with your non-dominant hand.