How to Teach Your Cub Scouts to Properly Fold and Care for the U.S. Flag
How to Teach Your Cub Scouts to Properly Fold and Care for the U.S. Flag

The U.S. flag represents more than just our country, it represents unity and freedom and the sacrifices that were made so that we could have freedoms that many other countries do not have. Teaching Cub Scouts how to take care of the flag is an important part of fostering respect and patriotism.
Why It’s Important to Teach Cub Scouts Flag Etiquette
Teaching Cub Scouts the proper care and respect for the United States flag is a way to instill lifelong values of patriotism, responsibility, and respect. Teaching young scouts how to care for and fold the flag will help them gain a sense of pride for their country.
Learning respect for the flag ties directly into the Scout Oath of being loyal and reverent. Loyalty isn’t just about loyalty to friends and family it is also loyalty to the ideals of our nation. Being reverent reminds the scouts to honor the traditions that have shaped our country
Step-by-Step Guide to Folding the U.S. Flag
A step-by-step video on how to fold the U.S. flag.
- Flag folding will take 2 people on either end. Start by holding the flag open with a hand on each corner. The person with the blue section (the union) should have it in their left hand and the stripes in their right.
- Fold the flag in half lengthwise so the stripes cover the union.
- Turn flag back to it’s original position facing down with each person having one hand on each corner. The stripes should be facing upward and the union should be on the bottom facing the ground.
- Fold the flag in half again. Once again turn the flag to it’s original position with a hand holding each corner. The person on the right will have only stripes in their hand, the person on the left will only have stars. The open end of the flag should be in the left hand of the person holding the stars.
- The person holding only the stripes will start to fold the triangles. They will use their left hand to fold the corner of the flag to the flat edge to form a triangle. Then continue to fold the flag in 90 degree angles until there is one fold left.
- The person holding the union will tightly tuck their edge into the open fold of the flag.

Flag Care 101: Basic Rules Every Cub Scout Should Know
- Never Let The Flag Touch The Ground.
- Properly Display The Flag – when hanging the stars, also know as the union, should always be in the top left corner. On a flag pole it should be raised quickly and lowered slowly and no other flag should be flown above it.
- Fold The Flag Correctly – the U.S. flag should always be folded so that just the blue & stars are visible.
- Don’t Fly The Flag In Bad Weather – The flag should not be flown during storms and bad weather so it doesn’t get torn and damaged.
- Proper Flag Disposal – If the flag does become worn and tattered it should be disposed of respectfully. Often scouts will hold a flag retirement ceremony to dispose of the flags properly.
- Fly The Flag At The Right Times – The U.S. Flag is to be flown only from sunrise until sundown and if it is flown at night it is supposed to be properly lit up. It should be flown at half staff to honor the death of important figures or on certain days of mourning.
- Saluting The Flag – When in uniform, Cub Scouts should salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance and when it’s being raised or lowered. If not in uniform, scouts place their right hand over their heart.
Activity Idea: Fun Ways to Teach Flag Folding
A fun activity for scouts would be a relay race in which teams can fold the flag the quickly and properly. While they are racing remind them to be helpful and courteous to each other.
If you are in need of a U.S. Flag you can support a company that makes their flags in the Unites States here or if you need some flags quickly you can buy them from Amazon.