Lion Cub Scouts Adventure Maps
These Adventure Maps have not yet been updated for the new program starting in June 2024.
Teach Lion Cub Scouts Goal Setting
As an adult we all know how important it is to set goals. Whether we set a fitness goal, a financial goal, or a business goal, we understand how to get ahead and that we need to set goals and work hard towards them. It is important to start building the idea of goal setting at a young age so that it becomes a habit in our kids lives.
The Lion Adventure Maps are made to help our kiddos be able to visually see their goal and the steps they will need to take to reach their goal. Our set of Lion maps can be hung on the wall and has empty boxes where the kids can place a sticker or put a check mark each time they complete a requirement.

Each map can be used separately but are designed to be hung together so the pathways connect from the beginning to the end. When your scout makes it all the way along the path they have officially earned all of their required belt loops as a Lion. You can Download and Print here. I know the posters are a bit ink heavy but if you are signed up for Instant Ink you can use as much ink as you want and it won’t matter. (I have been using Instant Ink for years and LOVE it. I save so much not having to buy ink cartridges.) If you would like to use my printer ink affiliate link you can get the first month free to see if you like it.