Mealtime Manners Reward Chart – Free Printable
Mealtime Manners Reward Chart (Free Printable)

For our Tiger Cubs to earn their Tiger Bites belt loop they will have to complete a few requirements that teach them about making good food choices and the manners they use while eating. In Tiger Bites one of the optional requirements you can complete is to teach your scout what foods you can eat with your fingers and how to practice your manners while eating them. Three Little Monkey’s Studio has one of the cutest manners rewards chart that you can print for free.
Foods You Can Eat With Your Fingers
- Bacon
- Bread
- Corn On The Cob
- Small Fruits - Grapes, Berries, Apples
- Sandwiches
- Cookies
- Pizza
- & lots more that the scouts can come up with 🙂
How To Eat With Your Fingers
- Be sure to wash your hands before eating.
- Be sure to have a napkin nearby.
- Don't lick your fingers clean. Use a napkin.