Natural vs. Manmade: Helping Your Tiger Scout Spot the Difference on Outdoor Walks
Natural vs. Manmade: Helping Your Tiger Scout Spot the Difference on Outdoor Walks

In the Tigers In The Wild Adventure scouts are going to learn to be more aware and observant of the areas around them. Scouts will learn how to connect with nature and see how humans interact with the environment around them.
What's Considered Natural vs. Manmade?
Natural – Natural means things that occur in nature without any human involvement. Some natural things would be plants and trees, animals roaming about, rocks or rivers.
Manmade – Manmade items are items someone has to make. Some examples are buildings, roads, playgrounds, signs, and park benches.

Fun Printable Activities To Spot The Difference
Scavenger Hunt – Turn your walk into a Scavenger Hunt! Before you head out print out a copy of our Scavenger Hunt Activity for each of the kids. You will be on the lookout for natural items like roads and birds and manmade items like planes and buildings.
VS. Game – Try out our Manmade vs Natural Activity filled with pictures that kids can decide if they are found in nature or if they are manmade.

Questions To Ask During Your Walk
Ask questions to help kids observe and understand the area around them. Some questions you can ask
“How do you think the tree got here?”
“Who do you think made this sidewalk and why?”
“Why do we have both natural and manmade things around us?”
What Did You Learn Along The Way?
At the end of your walk take a few minutes to discuss with your scouts things that they saw along your walk. You can ask them questions like, “What was your favorite natural thing you found today?”, “Why do you think humans make certain things instead of letting nature take it’s course?”
By encouraging your scout to be curious and observant you’re helping them build skills that will last a lifetime.