Tiger Cub Scouts Requirements Tracking Checklist (2024)

Tiger Cub Scout Requirement Tracking Checklist (2024)

If you are a parent to a Tiger Cub Scout you may be new to scouting and a little overwhelmed with all of the new information. The Tiger Cub Scout age requirement is about 7. Scouts actually goes by what grade you are in instead of your age, so Tigers are first graders.

Tiger Scout Requirements

During the year you and your first grader will get to join in 8 Adventures.  Six of these adventures are required and the other 2 are elective adventures. There are now over a dozen elective adventures your den can choose from;

You can see the full list of Tiger Cub Scout Requirements & Electives here.

Since Tigers are first graders they still need their parents to join in with them during the den meetings and activities.  This is a great bonding time where you get to spend one on one time with your child where they are not distracted by tv or video games.

I have such great memories of sitting in the little chairs at the little tables in the church rooms where we held scouts when my boys were little and working on fun little projects. The snacks weren’t so bad either 😉


Tiger Adventure Checklist Download

Tiger Scout Requirement Checklist Explained

The Tiger Cub Scout Tracking Sheet we offer has been made to make it easier for den leaders and parents to track what activities have been completed and what still needs to be done.

The checklist is broken down by each requirement or elective that you are working on this year. For example, if you are working on Good Knights,  you will see that underneath the heading it will tell you what activities are required to be completed to finish the adventure and earn the belt loop.

The worksheet offers a shortened description of each activity that goes right along with the Tiger Cub Scout Handbook. You will find much more details in the handbook.

To keep track of what belt loops you have earned and what belt loops have been awarded to you we also have the Cub Scout Award Tracker that you can use to keep track and help the kids stay motivated as you complete the Tiger Scout Requirements.

2024 Tiger Adventures Checklist Printable

Tiger Scout Leaders

To all the den leaders out there, you know that the scouts will sometimes complete their adventures at different times. Whether it’s due to being busy with sports or other family activities some will fall behind on completing the cub scout requirements.  
Our checklist will help you keep track of who has completed what.  If there are any empty spots on your checklist then you know what you need to talk about to the scout or their parents. Easy-Peasy.