Slingshot Requirements
Slingshot Requirements for Tigers 2024
The following list of requirements is what is being discussed for the changes coming June 2024. We will update when the requirements are finalized & released by BSA.

What Are The Tiger Slinghsot Requirements?

Complete All 7 Requirements.
- With your Adult Partner (AP), identify & wear the appropriate safety gear.
- With your AP, recite the archery range safety rules for using a slingshot.
- With your AP, demonstrate proper range commands.
- With your AP, identify the main parts of your slingshot & their usage.
- With your AP, discover the types of ammunition that may be used & not used.
- Shoot 3 shots at a target. repeat & do your best to improve your score. Shoot at least 6 shots.
- Discuss how to put away & properly store your slingshot & shooting equipment after use.