The Ultimate Cub Scout Program Updates for June 2024!
The Ultimate List Of Cub Scout Updates Coming In June 2024!

Updated January 31, 2024
I have been trying to find all the information on the changes coming to Cub Scouts in June 2024 and put them all in one place for you. There are a LOT of changes coming so this post is going to be FULL of information. I will update the post as I find out more. For FAQ’s please see the bottom of this post.
Table of Contents
New Cub Scout Handbooks
All new Cub Scout Books will be coming out. Here is a picture I found of what they will look like.

The Lion & Tiger Handbooks will be coming with a parent/guardian guide so they can better understand their involvement in the program. The Lion & Tiger books will be a little larger then the other scout handbooks.The Wolf, Bear, Webelos & Arrow of Light Books will be spiral bound.
Peak Inside The New Cub Scout Books

Why Is Cub Scouts Changing?
According to Boy Scouts of America the reason we are seeing changes is because they are wanting to create a program that is “fun, simple, and easy” for Cub Scouts, parents, and leaders. It will be easy to explain and understand and easy for leaders to deliver. The changes come after receiving feedback from over 23,000 Cub Scout parents, volunteers and experts.
What Are The New Program Updates For Cub Scouts?
Cub Scout Badges of Rank
- Webelos and Arrow of Light are going to be seperated. Webelos will be for 4th Grade, and Arrow of Light will be a stand alone program for 5th Grade. They will no longer share Adventures.
- Every rank will now have 6 Required Adventures & 2 Elective Adventures. They are adding new Required Adventures (more on that below)
- The Bobcat Badge is turning into a Required Adventure focusing on Character & Leadership. Each rank will have it as a Required Adventure with similar yet different requirements for each rank.
* Current Webelos (2023) *
With the new updates, current Webelos (4th Grade) should NOT start working on Arrow of Light. they should instead work on their Elective Adventures since any work on Arrow of Light Adventures will not count.
Since Adventures will no longer be shared, it is a good time to work on the adventures that will only be available to 4th Grade Webelos. Those are, Aquanaut, Art Explosion, Aware and Care, Build It!, Earth Rocks!, and Modular Design (preview adventure).
Webelos & Arrow of Light Uniforms

I am sure the changes for Webelos and Arrow of Light is bringing up a lot of questions. The best place to find answers to those questions is HERE.
All Adventures have been designed to focus on the following focus areas for BSA.
- Character & Leadership
- Outdoors
- Personal Fitness
- Citizenship
- Safety
- Family/Reverence
Cub Scout Elective Adventures
- All current adventures have been updated. They have been simplified to no longer have, “complete 1-2 plust 2 others” and will just have around 5 requirements to do.
- They have doubled the number of Elective Adventures and are including more STEM options.
- Of the 72 Adventures their are now several that are available to all ranks which will make things easier for multi-rank den leaders & packs. For example if the pack holds a Bike Rodeo then all dens will have an elective Adventure they can earn.

Pinewood Derby Is Changing
The Pinewood Derby is becoming an elective Adventure called, Race Time! The Adventure can be completed by building & participating in a Pinewood Derby OR a Raingutter Regatta.
World Conservation Award Changes
Here is the release from BSA about the World Conservation Award.
The World Conservation Award was a partnership with the World Organization of the Scouting Movement and recently they retired the World Conservation Award program and launched Earth Tribe which has a focus area on conservation named Champions for Nature. In partnership with the World Organization of the Scouting Movement, the new Champions for Nature elective Adventures are available for all ranks.
Shooting Awards Are Changing
Shooting Awards are turning into Adventures. Each rank in the past has had to complete certain activities to earn the Shooting Award patch. This is now an Adventure and is broken down into Slingshot, Archery, and BB’s. It must be earned at a Council or District event with qualified adult supervision and with adults that are certified as range instructors.

Whittling Chip Is Changing
Technically the Whittling Chip is being retired, but Knife Safety is staying. To use a pocketknife in Scouting you will have to continuously certify the ability to do so. It sounds like you will still get a pocket card to prove you have earned your ranks knife adventure.
- Bear Scouts – you can earn the Whittling Adventure. It will be similar to the Bear Claw Adventure which focused on pocketknife safety.
- Webelos – you can earn the Chef’s Knife Adventure and lessons will be geared around knives in the kitchen.
- Arrow of Light – you can earn the Knife Safety Adventure and it will focus on pocketknife & kitchen safety.
National Summertime Pack is Changing
The National Summertime Pack has been reimagined into an elective Adventure called, Summertime Fun. There is just one requirement to earn it and it is to complete 3 Cub Scout Activities between May and August. Some examples might be, Cub Scout Day Camp or Cub Scout Resident Camp. It is available for Tigers through Arrow of Light.
**Start planning now for the 2024 Summer**
I have grouped all of the information in this post to make it easier on parents and leaders to find all the latest information quickly and easily but if you have questions or want to read any new releases from BSA you can do so HERE.