Webelos Adventure ‘First Responder’: Teaching First Aid Skills with Engaging Activities and Printables

Webelos First Responder: First Aid Activities & Printables

Teaching Webelos First Aid

The Webelos First Responder Adventure will teach the scouts essential first aid skills so they are able to help others in a time of need. These skills will come in handy on many of the adventures that scouts enjoy going on. This post will help give you ideas on how to make first aid learning fun and interactive for scouts, including activities, tips, and printable resources.

The Importance of First Aid Skills

Knowing first aid skills is going to give kids the confidence and calmness they need in an emergency situation. Having the knowledge of what to do in an emergency situation will allow a scout to feel empowered to be proactive in an emergency situation instead of helpless. The more practice and experience they have with first aid situations whether it’s a cut, a sprain, or something more serious is going to help a scout be more prepared for when the situation arises.

Activities To Teach First Aid

1. Create A First Aid Kit

This activity will guide the scouts in how to build out a first aid kit using common house hold items. Leaders can purchase all of the supplies needed, set up the supplies along a table (buffet style) and have each of the kids walk through grabbing each of the items needed and create their own basic first aid kit. We offer a First Aid Checklist Printable that recognizes the items Cub Scouts recommends Webelos carry as well as some optional items that are always good to have in a First Aid Kit.

You will need something to store all of the items in. Depending on how much you are able to spend some options are gallon storage bags, or pencil boxes (they are probably cheaper at a dollar store than amazon).

  1. Adhesive Bandages (Band-Aids) – Various sizes for covering small cuts and scrapes.
  2. Moleskin – To prevent or treat blisters on feet.
  3. Antiseptic Wipes or Ointment – To clean wounds and prevent infection.
  4. Non-Latex Gloves – To protect the scout and the injured person from germs.
  5. Sterile Gauze Pads – For cleaning and covering larger wounds or more significant injuries.
  6. Medical Tape – To secure gauze or bandages in place.
  7. SoapFor washing wounds.
  8. Scissors – For cutting tape, gauze, or clothing if necessary.
  9. CPR Breathing Barrier – For protection when giving rescue breaths during CPR.
  10. Emergency Contact Information – A card with phone numbers for parents, leaders, and local emergency services.

Other Optional Items:

  1. Tweezers – For removing splinters, ticks, or debris from wounds.
  2. Elastic Bandage (Ace Wrap) – To support sprained or strained joints.
  3. Hydrocortisone Cream – For treating bug bites, rashes, or other skin irritations.
  4. Triangular Bandage – Can be used as a sling or to hold splints in place.
  5. Instant Cold Pack – To reduce swelling from injuries like sprains or bruises.
  6. Alcohol Swabs – For sterilizing tools like tweezers or cleaning wounds.
  7. Emergency Whistle – To signal for help in an emergency situation.

2. First Aid Relay

Set up a relay race where scouts must stop at each station, correctly identify the injury and use their first aid kit to treat the injury. This activity will reinforce the proper use of first aid supplies and help them learn quick thinking under pressure.

First Aid Station Ideas:
(these ideas will need some of the items from the Optional First Aid supplies section.)
1. Cleaning & Bandaging A Small Cut.
2. Treating A Sprained Ankle.
3. Cleaning & Bandaging A Large Wound.
4. Treating A Burn.
5. Applying A Sling For An Arm Injury.

3. Role Playing Scenario

A great activity for teaching first aid to kids is first by setting up each of the kids with a partner. Have them use role playing to simulate common injuries like a sprained ankle, cuts, burns, etc. and have them practice using their first aid kit to fix the injury. This is a good time to help walk them through each step together so they can practice. This may be a good activity to do before a relay race where they can practice what they have learned.

First Aid Kit Checklist

We have a First Aid Kit Checklist for your Webelos First Responder meeting. The list includes the basic items that Cub Scouts recommends and in the red area of the printable there are some optional items that are great to have in a First Aid kit. There are spaces for the scouts to check off each item as they add it to their kit. You can get your First Aid Checklist in our Printable Store.