What Is The Scout Law?
What Is The Scout Law?

The Scout Law
The Scout Law is a list of 12 characteristics that a cub scout is trying to reflect each day.
A Scout is:
What Is The Meaning Of The Scout Law?
The 12 principles of the Scout Law are listed below with the meaning for each and some discussion questions that you can use with your scouts. If you are looking for our printables you can find our Scout Law Cards & Scout Law Poster in our shop.
A Scout Is Trustworty
A Scout is trustworthy and does the right thing even when no one is watching. The right thing is to tell the truth, be reliable, keep your word, keep private things private, do not gossip, and do not take things that are not yours.
Trustworthy Conversation Starters
➊ Can we be good friends and work together with others if we lie?
➋ Do you know what it means to break a promise?
➌ Is it OK to steal something if you really want it?
A Scout Is Loyal
A scout is loyal by showing allegiance or faithfulness to friends, family, and country.
Loyal Conversation Starters
➊ How do you show your friends that you are loyal to them?
➋ Has there ever been a time when being loyal was difficult?
➌ What do you think breaking or keeping promises have to do with loyalty?
A Scout Is Helpful
Being helpful means doing everything you can to take care of yourself, your friends, your family, and your community without expecting anything in return.
Helpful Conversation Starters
➊ How does being helpful to others make you feel?
➋ What does it mean to help others without expecting a reward?
➌ How can you use your talents to help others?
A Scout Is Friendly
A scout can be friendly to all no matter what differences there may be.
Friendly Conversation Starters
➊ What are some ways we can be friendly to a stranger?
➋ What is a friendly thing we can do for a new student in class?
➌ What is something friendly we could do for our neighbor?
A Scout Is Courteous
Being courteous means, being thoughtful and showing kindness, empathy, respect, and good manners to all, even those we may disagree with.
Courteous Conversation Starters
➊ Why do you think saying “please” and “thank you” are important to say to people?
➋ Have you ever seen someone show poor manners? How did it make you feel?
➌ Finish this sentence: When I use good manners with people, they ______.
A Scout Is Kind
The goal of a scout is to be kind even when you may not feel like it. There are times you may be confronted by someone you disagree with or don’t like but we can still show kindness. It is important to treat others as you would want to be treated.
Kind Conversation Starters
➊ How do you show kindness while at school? How about at home?
➋ How can you as a leader, show others how to be kind?
➌ If you can do any type of Random Act of Kindness what would it be?
A Scout Is Obedient
The cub scout’s goals are to be thoughtfully obedient to the laws & rules of your home, church, school, country, and Heavenly Father (The 10 Commandments). Some examples are, Do Not Jump On The Couch, Do Not Run In Church, No Talking During Tests, Do Not Go Over The Posted Speed Limit, and Thou Shall Not Steal.
Obedient Conversation Starters
➊ What are some things our Heavenly Father asks us to do?
➋ How do you feel when you obey your parents?
➌ What are some of the laws we obey?
A Scout Is Cheerful
A scout is cheerful and positive. A scout can find the positive in a situation even when it’s hard, a scout doesn’t complain, and a scout can help cheer someone up when they are upset.
Cheerful Conversation Starters
➊ What kind of attitude do you have at school or at home today?
➋ How do you think your thoughts affect your attitude?
➌ What kind of good thoughts would create a positive attitude for you?
A Scout Is Thrifty
A scout earns and saves money to pay their own way without expecting others to pay their way. A scout uses time, food, supplies, and natural resources around them wisely.
Thrifty Conversation Starters
➊ What is a way you can earn money?
➋ What is something you can do in your home that saves money for you or your family?
➌ How does it feel when you have money saved up?
A Scout Is Brave
Being brave is feeling fear and doing it anyway. A scout does what is right despite what others might do or say.
Brave Conversation Starters
➊ What is the bravest thing you have done?
➋ What are some common things that make you feel scared?
➌ Have you ever been scared of something and then found it wasn’t so scary?
A Scout Is Clean
A scout keeps their body and their mind clean. A scout also helps keep the areas around them clean, such as their home and their community.
Clean Conversation Starters
➊ What does it mean to keep your mind clean?
➋ What is a way in which you can help keep your community clean?
➌ How does it make you feel when the area around you such as your room or home is clean?
A Scout Is Reverent
Reverence is showing deep respect for someone such as a teacher, a family member, or God. Ways a scout can show being reverent are walking quietly in church, raising your hand to speak, sitting quietly with hands to yourself, and bowing your head to pray.
Reverent Conversation Starters
➊ What does it mean to be reverent?
➋ How can you be reverent while at church?
➌ How do you feel when you are being reverent?
Discussion Questions About The Scout Law
Listed below you will find all of the discussion questions as above but grouped together for your convenience.
➊ Can we be good friends and work together with others if we lie?
➋ Do you know what it means to break a promise?
➌ Is it OK to steal something if you really want it?
➊ How do you show your friends that you are loyal to them?
➋ Has there ever been a time when being loyal was difficult?
➌ What do you think breaking or keeping promises have to do with loyalty?
➊ How does being helpful to others make you feel?
➋ What does it mean to help others without expecting a reward?
➌ How can you use your talents to help others?
➊ What are some ways we can be friendly to a stranger?
➋ What is a friendly thing we can do for a new student in class?
➌ What is something friendly we could do for our neighbor?
➊ Why do you think saying “please” and “thank you” are important to say to people?
➋ Have you ever seen someone show poor manners? How did it make you feel?
➌ Finish this sentence: When I use good manners with people, they ______.
➊ How do you show kindness while at school? How about at home?
➋ How can you as a leader, show others how to be kind?
➌ If you can do any type of Random Act of Kindness what would it be?
➊ What are some things our Heavenly Father asks us to do?
➋ How do you feel when you obey your parents?
➌ What are some of the laws we obey?
➊ What kind of attitude do you have at school or at home today?
➋ How do you think your thoughts affect your attitude?
➌ What kind of good thoughts would create a positive attitude for you?
➊ What is a way you can earn money?
➋ What is something you can do in your home that saves money for you or your family?
➌ How does it feel when you have money saved up?
➊ What is the bravest thing you have done?
➋ What are some common things that make you feel scared?
➌ Have you ever been scared of something and then found it wasn’t so scary?
➊ What does it mean to keep your mind clean?
➋ What is a way in which you can help keep your community clean?
➌ How does it make you feel when the area around you such as your room or home is clean?
➊ What does it mean to be reverent?
➋ How can you be reverent while at church?
➌ How do you feel when you are being reverent?
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