Wolf Den Tracking Worksheet 2024
Wolf Scout Den Tracking Checklist 2024

Wolf Den Tracking Sheet For Cub Scout Leaders
If you are a den leader you know how important it is to keep organized when trying to keep track of a group of cub scouts.
We have a worksheet that will make tracking the boys in your den so much easier.
Our most popular worksheet was originally made to help keep the scout, leader and parent organized and able to see everything their wolf scout had accomplished.
As a den leader I wanted to have something that I could see the full picture of where my scouts were inn one quick glance. With this printable you can literally look down, see where a box isn’t marked off and know instantly which scout was missing assignments
Here is what I came up with that has been so helpful for me as a den leader…a Den Tracking Sheet.

This printable features a clear, assignment style layout with spaces for each scout’s name, a comprehensive list of electives on the left, and checkboxes on the right for easy progress tracking. This tool ensures no activity is missed, making it a breeze to see which scouts are on track to earn their belt loops. Perfect for staying organized and focused on achieving goals!

If you are a parent or scout wanting to track which requirements and electives you have completed then you will enjoy using the Individual Wolf Scout Tracking Sheet.